Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) Installation on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0

This article describes the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0. Here I simulate the installation process based on my PC based server which has following hardware configuration:

  1. Intel 2.4 GHz x86 Processor.

  2. 80 GB SATA HDD

  3. GB physical memory

To make an easy and convenient installation process we documented installation Process in two phases. First of on we have to install Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 5.0 with required package and system parameter. After that in the second phase we simulated installation Process of Oracle 11g with respective screen shot which will help the beginner Administrator to understand their jobs easily. I hope, this article will help the novice and mid level Database/ System Administrator to understand what is the production standard installation of Oracle 11g for mid level traffic processing generally which will done by General Purpose or Transaction processing database template. Its me a great pleasure if this installation cook help someone meet their company requirement.

Part-1: Installing Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0

Part-2: Configuring Linux for Oracle

  1. Creating the Oracle Group and User Account

  2. Creating Required Directories and Change the Owner Ship

  3. Verify Hardware Requirement

    1. Main Memory Requirements

    2. Disk Space Requirements

4. Software Requirements Checkin

1. Kernel Requirements

2. Package Requirements

5.    Configuring Kernel Parameters

6.    Configuring the oracle User's Environment

7.    Installing Oracle Database

8.    Post Instillation Task

Part-1: Installing Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0

You may download Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0 from oracle technology network. To download Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0 Enterprise Edition uses the following link.

Installation Process:

  1. Boot the server using the first CD.

    • You may need to change your BIOS settings to allow booting from the CD.

  2. The boot screen appears with the boot: prompt at the bottom of the screen.

    • Select Enter to continue with a graphical install on the console.

  3. CD Found

  • Skip these options.

  1. Click on Next.

  2. What language could you like to use during the installation process.

    • Accept the default.

  3. Select the appropriate keyboard for the system Configuration

    • Accept the default. (U.S English).

  1. Disk Portioning Step

  • Select Remove all partition on Selected device and create default layout the system  and Click on Next

  • The disk on the first controller (/dev/sda) will hold all Linux software and contains the following partitions:

  • /boot partition  - 256MB

  • Swap Partition -2 GB [Set this to at least twice the amount of RAM in the system But if the Physical RAM equal to 4 GB or greater then choose swap size exactly as memory size.]

  • root (/) partition  -  19 GB This partition will be used for everything, including /usr, /tmp,  /opt, /home, and more. This approach is purely to simplify installation for the purposes of this guide. A more robust partitioning scheme would separate these directories onto separate file systems.

  • /u01 – 18 GB -   For Oracle Home Directory

  • /u02 - 18GB -   For Oracle Data Directory.

  • /var – 19 GB

  • Click on Next

  • Click on Next

  1. Required installation media

  • Three CD Required to Successful installation of Oracle Enterprise Linux.

  • If you have three disk then Click on Continue

  1. Boot Loader Configuration

    • Accept the default and Click on Next.

  1. Network Configuration

    • It is usually best to configure database servers with a static IP address. To do so, click on Edit.

    • A pop-up window appears. Uncheck the Configure using DHCP box, and enter the IP Address and NetMask for the server. Be sure that Activate on boot is checked, and click on OK.

    • Enter Static IP Address , Prefix (Net Mask) in your required IP Block

    • In the Hostname box, select manually and enter the hostname.

    • In the Miscellaneous Settings box, enter the remaining network settings.

      • Enter Geteway, Primary DNS ,  Secondary DNS

      • Click on Next

  2. Please Click into the map to chose a region

    • Select Asia/Dhaka

    • Click on Next

  3. Provide Root Password and Conform

    • Click on Next

  4. Package Installation

    • Chose Customize now and Click on Next.

  5. Package Group Selection

    • Desktop Environment

      • GEOME Desktop Environment

    • Applications

      • Editor

      • Graphical Internet

      • Text-based Internet

    • Development

      • Development Libraries

      • Development Tools

    • Server

      • Server Configuration Tools

    • Base System

      • Base

      • Administration Tools

      • System Tools

      • X Window System

  6. Click on Next.

  7. Reboot The System

  8. Welcome

    • Click on Forward

    • License  Agreement

      • Select Yes, I agree to the License Agreement  and Click on Forward

    • Firewall

      • Chose Disabled Firewall and Click on Forward

      • A Popup window will appear Click on Yes for Confirmation

    • SE Linux

    • Chose Disabled to SELinux Settings.

    • Click on Forward

    • A Popup window will appear Click on Yes.

    • Kdump

      • Accept Default and Click on Forward

    • Data and Time

      • Set the Date Time and Click on Forward

    • Create User

      • Skip this options and Click on Forward

    • Sound Card

      • You may Test your sound card by playing a Test Sound

      • Click on Forward

    • Additional CD

      • Skip this options and Click on Finish

  1. Click on OK button to reboot the system

Part-2: Configuring Linux for Oracle

You may download Oracle 11g from oracle technology network. To download Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (
Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, and Enterprise Edition use the following link.

1. Creating the Oracle Group and User Account

  • Use the following command to add The Oracle Inventory group (oinstall) and OSDBS (dba) Group:

        [root@testdb ~]#  groupadd oinstall
        [root@testdb ~]#  groupadd dba

  • Use the following command to add a user whish is The Oracle software owner (oracle)

        [root@testdb ~]# useradd oracle

  • Use the following command to specify oinstall as the primary group and dba as the secondary group for oracle User.

        [root@testdb ~]# usermod -g oinstall -G dba oracle

  • Finaly use the following command to Check the Oracle user and user group:

        [root@testdb ~]# id oracle
        uid=500(oracle) gid=500(oinstall) groups=500(oinstall),501(dba)

  • Use the following command to set the password of the oracle user:

        [root@testdb ~]# passwd oracle
        Changing password for user oracle.
        New UNIX password:
        Retype new UNIX password:
        passwd:all authentication tokens updated successfully.

  • Use the Following Command determine whether the An unprivileged user (nobody) user exists or Not :

        [root@testdb ~]# id nobody
        uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nobody) groups=99(nobody)

If this command displays information about the nobody user, then you do not

need to create the nobody user.

  • If the nobody user does not exist, then enter the following command to create it:

        # useradd nobody

2. Creating Required Directories and Change the Owner Ship

  • Create directories with names similar to the following, and specify the correct owner, group, and permissions for them:

1. The Oracle base directory (For Oracle Home directory)

2. An optional Oracle data file directory

  • Oracle Recommand that the base directory and data file directory will be different mount point. if you do not create the mount point during the operation system installation then use the following command to create a directory.

mkdir -p /mount_point/app/

For example :
        [root@testdb ~]# mkdir -p /u01/app

  • To set the appropriate owner, group use the following command :

        [root@testdb ~]# chown -R oracle.oinstall /u01
        [root@testdb ~]# chown -R oracle.oinstall /u02

  • To permissions on the directory use the following command :

        [root@testdb ~]# chmod -R 775 /u01
        [root@testdb ~]# chmod -R 775 /u02

3. Verify Hardware Requirements

  • Main Memory Requirements

  • Disk Space Requirements

Main Memory Requirements

  • At least 1 GB of Physical RAM Requirement , To determine the physical RAM size, use the following command:

        [root@testdb ~]# cat /proc/meminfo | grep Mem
        MemTotal:      1018368 kB
        MemFree:         43884 kB

  • Swap Spase

For 512 MB RAM,Swap Space Required Double the size of RAM

For 1024 MB RAM, Swap Space Required 1.5 times the size of RAM

  • To determine the physical RAM size, use the following command:

        [root@testdb ~]# cat /proc/meminfo | grep SwapTotal
        SwapTotal:     2096472 kB

Disk Space Requirements

  • Oracle Recommend For Enterprise Edition you may need 3.47 GB, Enterprise Edition require 1.5 GB of disk Space for Data file. To determine the amount of free disk space in MB on the system, use the following command :

[root@testdb ~]# df -m /u01/
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda7                17439      3624     12915  22% /u01  

[root@testdb ~]# df -m /u02/
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6                17439      1777     14763  11% /u02

[NB: /u01 is use for Oracle Software and /u01 is use for Oracle Database file]

4. Software Requirements Checking

Kernel Requirements

  • To determine whether the required kernel is installed, use the following command. A sample output displayed by running this command on a Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0 system:

        [root@testdb ~]# uname –r

Package Requirements

  • The following or later version of packages for Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0

        1. binutils-                 Disk-01
        2. compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61               Disk-02
        3. elfutils-libelf-0.125-3.el5        Disk-02
        4. elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125        Disk-02
        5. glibc-2.5-12                       Disk-02
        6. glibc-common-2.5-12                        Disk-01
        7. glibc-devel-2.5-12                         Disk-02
        8. gcc-4.1.1-52                       Disk-02
        9. gcc-c++-4.1.1-52                           Disk-02
        10. libaio-0.3.106                            Disk-01
        11. libaio-devel-0.3.106                      Disk-02
        12. libgcc-4.1.1-52                           Disk-01
        13. libstdc++-4.1.1                           Disk-01
        14. libstdc++-devel-4.1.1-52.e15              Disk-02
        15. make-3.81-1.1                             Disk-01
        16. sysstat-7.0.0                             Disk-03
        17. unixODBC-2.2.11                           Disk-02
        18. unixODBC-devel-2.2.11                     Disk-02

  • To determine whether the required packages are installed, use commands similar to the following:

        # rpm -qa | grep <package_name>

        [root@testdb ~]# rpm -qa | grep binutils

  • To Find the Packege in the CD-ROM(Oracle Entriprece Linux) use the Commands similer

        # ls -la /media/cdrecorder/Server | grep <package_name>

  • To install, use commands similar to the following:

        # rpm -ivh <package_name>

5. Configuring Kernel Parameters

[root@testdb ~]# sysctl -a | grep sem
kernel.sem = 250        32000   100     128

[root@testdb ~]# sysctl -a | grep shm
vm.hugetlb_shm_group = 0
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 268435456
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295

[root@testdb ~]# sysctl -a | grep file-max
fs.file-max = 6553600

[root@testdb ~]# sysctl -a | grep ip_local_port_range
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024     65000

[root@testdb ~]# sysctl -a | grep rmem_
net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304

[root@testdb ~]# sysctl -a | grep wmem_
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
vm.lowmem_reserve_ratio = 256   256     32

  • Using any text editor, create or edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file, and add or edit lines similar to the following:

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

· Enter the following command to change the current values of the kernel parameters:
   [root@testdb ~]# /sbin/sysctl –p

Review the output from this command to verify that the values are correct
 N.B: For Safety to make sure the change effect you may restart the system.

6. Configuring the oracle User's Environment

Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0 user environment is preconfigured. So skip this option.

If you are not disabling the firewall during the setup of Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0 then follow the following step to disable in GUI as root user.
For Oracle Enterprise Linux System -> Administration -> Security Level and Firewall

| Firewall Options -> Firewall: Disable

| SE Linux -> SE Linux Settings: Disable

7. Installing Oracle Database

  1. 1.Login in Oracle User in X Window System.

[root@testdb ~]$ hostname
[root@testdb ~]$ xhost + bigen added to access control list
[root@testdb ~]$ xterm

To Unzip the unzip the zip file use the following Command
# unzip

After unzip to run the Oracle Universal Installer use the following command
    [oracle@testdb database]$./runInstaller

  1. 2. Select a Product to Install

  1. Select Advanced Installation

  2. Click on Next

  1. 3. Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials.

  1. Inventory Directory: /u01/app/oraInventory

  2. Operating System group name:  oinstall

  3. Click on Next

  1. 4. Select Installation Type

  • Select Enterprise Edition (3.18 GB)

  • Click on Next

  1. 5. Loading Product Information

  • Oracle Base : /u01/app/oracle

  • Software Location

Name : OraDb11g_home

Path : /u01/app/oracle/db11g

  • Click on Next

  1. 6. Product Specific Prerequisite Checks

  • All the checks should pass without difficulty. If one or more checks fail, correct the problem before proceeding.

  • Click on Retry to Recheck.

  • Click on Next

[NB. If checking pass then Status Will be Succeeded]

  1. 7. Select Configuration Option

  • Select Create Database Option.

  • Click on Next.

  1. 8. Select Database Configuration

  • Select General Purpose / Transaction Processing.

  • Click on Next.

  1. 9. Specify Database Configuration Options

  • Global Database Name :

  • SID : testcpdb

  • Click on Next

10. Specify Database Config Details (Memory)

  • Chose Enable Automatic Memory Management.

  • Click on Next.

[NB. Configure your Memory according to your requirements.]

11. Specify Database Config Details (Character Sets)

  • Choose from the list of Character Set: Unicode Standard UTF-8 AL32UTF8.

  • Click on Next

[NB. You Can Choose Character Set according to your requirements]

12. Specify Database Config Details (Security)

  • Accept Default

  • Click on Nest.

[N.B: Oracle recommends the default settings]

13. Specify Database Config Details (Sample Schemas)

  • Accept Default

  • Click on Nest.

14. Select Database Management Options.

  • Select Use Database Control for Database Management.

  • Click on Next.

15. Specify Database Storage Option

  • Select File System

  • Specify Database file location : /u02/oradata

  • Click on Next.

16. Specify Backup and Recovery Options

  • Select Do not enable Automated backups

  • Clock on Next.

17. Specify Database Schema Passwords

  • Select Use the same password for all the accounts

  • Enter the Password and Confirm.

  • Clock on Next.

18. Privileged Operating System Groups

  • Database Administrator (OSDBA) Group      : oinstall

  • Database Operator (OSOPER) Group          : oinstall

  • ASM administrator (OSASM) Group            : oinstall

  • Click on Next.

19. Oracle Configuration Manager Registration

  • If you have Metalink Account then you can Registration your database, otherwise skip this option.

  • Click on Next.

20. Summary

  • A summary of the products being installed is presented.

  • Click on Install.

21. Install

  • The Installation process of Oracle 11g is running automatically.

  • After Finishing 100% Configuration assistants will appear.

22. Configuration assistants

  • The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and Oracle Database Configuration assistant will run automatically.

23. Database Configuration Assistant

  • Copying database file, Creating and starting Oracle Instance, Completing Database creation process will run automatically.

24. Database Configuration Assistant

  • This window Provide you some information about your database.

  • You can Change user account password and unlock by Click on Password Manager.

  • Click on OK.

25. Execute Configuration Scripts

  • Execute and as root user.

  • To Switch root user Open a Terminal and Type su root

  • Click on OK.

26. End of Instillation

  • Make note of the URLs presented in the summary, and click on Exit when ready.

27. Exit

  • Click on Yes to Exit.

8. Post Installation Task

  1. Edit the /etc/oratab file setting the restart flag for each instance to 'Y'

[root@testdb ~]# vi /etc/oratab

  1. Now you have to write a Script to Automatic Startup and Shutdown Oracle Database.

[root@testdb ~]# su – oracle

[Let Consider that is a script to Automatic Startup and Shutdown the Database in oracle home directory which will be written by the reader for automation of the Oracle Database and other processes relating to the Oracle 11g.]

for more detail please visits

  1. Add the following code in to the oracle bash_profile

[oracle@testdb ~]$ vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/db11g/
export ORACLE_SID= testcpdb
export DBIN=$ORACLE_HOME/bin


export PATH

4. Add the following code in to the /etc/hosts file.       localhost.localdomain   localhost     testdb

[root@testdb ~]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain   localhost     testdb

9. Oracle Enterprise Manager

  • To Start the Oracle Enterprise Management Server use the following command.

  • To Stop the Oracle Enterprise Management Server use the following command.

[root@testdb ~]# emctl start dbconsole
[root@testdb ~]# emctl stop dbconsole

10. Oracle SQL Developer

To Run Oracle SQL Developer use the following command as Oracle user in X Window System.
[oracle@testdb ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/db11g/sqldeveloper/

[oracle@testdb sqldeveloper]$ sh

For Oracle 10g

Click here 

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