Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oracle & Iron Man – Great Combination


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to use trigger to check database constant

We can use trigger to check database constant and customize error message. For example we have two tables name Department and Employee. I have written two trigger on Update and Delete on Department table, which will responsible to check referential integrity constraint and customize the error message.

Creating Tables Department and Employee

    Department_Id          Number(*,0) Not Null Enable,
    Department_Name        Varchar2(45 Byte) Not Null Enable,
    Department_Description Varchar2(500 Byte),
    Primary Key (Department_Id) 
    Employee_Name        Varchar2(45 Byte) Not Null Enable,
    Employee_Ssn         Varchar2(45 Byte) Not Null Enable,
    Employee_Phone       Varchar2(45 Byte) Not Null Enable,
    Employee_Cellular    Varchar2(45 Byte) Not Null Enable,
    Employee_Description Varchar2(500 Byte),
    Department_Id        Number(*,0) Not Null Enable,
    Primary Key (Employee_Ssn) ,
    Foreign Key (Department_Id) References Department (Department_Id) Enable

Insert some data on Department and Employee Table

Insert Into Department (Department_Id, Department_Name, Department_Description) 
Values ('1001', 'Tecnical', 'Tecnical Department');
Insert Into Department (Department_Id, Department_Name, Department_Description) 
Values ('1002', 'Merketing', 'Merketing Department');
Insert Into EMPLOYEE (Employee_Name, Employee_Ssn, Employee_Phone, Employee_Cellular, Department_Id) 
Values ('Tamim', '100001', '880175307713', '880175307713', '1001');

Trigger on Delete of Department

Create Or Replace Trigger Td_Department 
  After Delete on Department 
  FOR EACH row
    DECLARE numrows INTEGER;
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO numrows
    FROM Employee
    WHERE  Employee.Department_ID = :old.Department_ID;
    IF (numrows> 0) THEN
      raise_application_error( -20001, 'Cannot DELETE Department because Employee exists.' );
    END IF;

Test a Delete SQL Statement on Department Table

  From Department 
  Where Department_Id = 1001 
  SQL Error: ORA-20001: Cannot DELETE Department because Employee exists.

Trigger on Update of Department

Create Or Replace Trigger Tu_Department 
  After Update On Department 
  For Each Row
    Declare Numrows Integer;
    IF (:old.Department_ID <> :new.Department_ID) THEN
      Select Count(*) Into Numrows    
      FROM Employee
      Where Employee.Department_Id = :Old.Department_Id;
      IF (numrows > 0) THEN
        raise_application_error( -20005, 'Cannot UPDATE Department because Employee exists.' );
      END IF;
    END IF;

Test a Update SQL Statement on Department Table

  Update Department 
  Set Department_Id = 1003
  Where Department_Id = 1001 
  SQL Error: ORA-20005: Cannot UPDATE Department because Employee exists.

How To Block Websites Without Using Any Software.

Sometimes we want to restrict access to some particular

websitefrom our PC but we don’t know how to do it without using some software
for it.

Here I m sharing with you a method to do it without using any software......

1. Run -> drivers

2. Open The file ..\drivers\etc\ hosts using note pad

3. Under " localhost" Add www.yahoo.com

Code:                 localhost                 www.yahoo.com                 yahoo.com

That site will no longer be accessible.

Even if you ping www.yahoo.com from command prompt it will not response from original source.

N.B: Please restart your browser before you perform the test.